Policy and handbook

All staff members, students and visitors must comply with the University Data Protection Policy.

Data protection guidance

Contains the definitions, all guidance documents for staff and students and information about privacy notices.

Data protection impact assessments (DPIAs)

Guidance for staff on carrying out a data protection impact assessment (DPIA)

Data protection breach procedure

Guidance for members of University staff on reporting a potential data protection breach

Data Protection Champions and Steering Group

All areas of the University should have their own data protection champion

Training and events

Data protection training for all staff is available through People and Money, events will be listed on the SharePoint site

Old College Quad

Information Compliance Services supports the University’s compliance with the requirements of information legislation, such as the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 and data protection legislation. Information about dealing with information requests is available on the Information Compliance Services website.

New college at dusk

The Records Manager supports records management and information governance practice across the University. Information about records management is available on the Records Management website.