Step 6: Make the privacy notice available

How to make a privacy notice available

Making your privacy notice available to data subjects

You must make your completed privacy notice available to every data subject at the point at which you collect personal data from them.  If you have received personal data from a third party you must supply a privacy notice to the data subject(s) as soon as possible within a month of the date you obtained the data and certainly on the first time you contact the data subject.  If you are going to share personal data with a third party, a privacy notice must be provided to the data subject(s) before you share the data.

Your privacy notice must be provided to data subjects in an easily accessible form and one they can refer back to it later.  In most cases this will mean publishing it on-line as well as the most appropriate format for the circumstances.


You are collecting personal data from research participants using a hardcopy form.  Your privacy notice should be provided in hard copy alongside the form on which you are collecting the data.  In addition it is good practice for your privacy notice to be provided on your research project website so that research participants can easily refer back to it if they lose their hard copy.

You have a form on your website which people can use to sign up to receive your newsletter.  Your privacy notice should appear on the same web page as the form where people type their details.  It must remain possible for the individual to refer back to the privacy notice without having to input their details again.

At recruitment fairs or University open days, a display containing the privacy statement above the sign-up sheet or a poster with large print on the wall behind the table are sufficient.