Rule 13: Avoid using non-alphanumeric characters in file names. Different operating systems (such as Linux, OS X, Windows) have different file name requirements, in particular different characters that they do not recognise in file names. The use of these characters can cause problems. Even if your operating system allows you to save the file, you may encounter difficulties if you try to transport the file to another operating system. The file may not be recognised, or if you send it to someone else they may not be able to open it. Avoid: * : \ / < > | " ? [ ] ; = + & £ $ , . However, hyphens (-) may be used. Example Correct file name SmithJohn20070507.txt DavidLaingCollection.rtf GuidelinesAndRegulations.pdf Budget2006-2007 Incorrect file name Smith,John20070507.txt "DavidLaingCollection".rtf Guidelines&Regulations.pdf Budget2006/07 Explanation: Most non alphanumeric characters can be omitted without much loss of meaning, e.g. commas and quotation marks. Others can be replaced with alphanumeric characters, e.g. "&" and "+" can be replaced with "And" and "Plus". Hyphens can be used in place of forward slashes and brackets. This article was published on 2024-04-17